4.2 Classification of tests.- The tests, preproduction, production, and
acceptance (see 6.3), shall be specified in the detail specification.
4.4 Test reports. design changes. and approval data.-
4.4.1 Preproduction and production test reports. - The preproduction and
production test reports shall be prepared essentially in accordance with Specifi-
cation MIL-T-9107 and the requirements contained herein. Each report shall have
A list of all detail parts of the component showing the
an identifying number.
current drawing change letter shall be included. The actual critical dimensions
of each test sample and 3 mathematical analysis of the effect of temperature
differentials and dissimilar materials at adverse tolerances shall be shown. A
copy of the design data drawing shall be bound in the report. A photographic
reduction of this drawing will be satisfactory provided it is legible. The
reports shall be furnished in triplicate to the procuring activity. If the pro-
duction test report is submitted prior to the delivery date of the preproduction
report, the preproduction report is not required.
4.4.2 Subsequent design changes.- Production approval applies only to the
design, materials, construction nominal dimensions, and nominal tolerances of the
specimens tested, Such features shall be identified by the manufacturer's part
number and drawing change letter suhrnf.tted in the test report. Any changes in
any of these features may require new preproduction and production tests, at the
option of the procuring activity. Such changes shall be made in conformance with
Specification MIL-D-7O327 and shall receive approval by the procuring activity
prior to incorporation in production.
4.4.3 Production approval of similar units.- In the case of a series of
devices which are intended to serve the same general function in a hydraulic
system, approval of one device of the series may, at the discretion of the air
vehicle contractor, be applied to any other device of the series if all the
internal working parts are identical in every detail with the corresponding
internal uorking parts of the approved device, and provided it conforms to the
proof , burst pressure, and such operational requirements as may be designated by
the air vehicle contractor. For example, approval of this type would apply to
all devices which differ from previously approved devices only insofar as port
siZe, port location, external body dimensions, and external body-configuration
are concerned. This approval of similar devices is not automatic upon approval
of one device in a series; it is the discretion of the air vehicle contractor.
4.5 Test failures.- If a test specimen or any of its parts fails to conform
to this specification, the contractor shall advise the air vehicle contractor
within 24 hours of the failure and of the planned corrective action. Individual
tests may be continued, pending investigation of the failure. Final acceptance of
components on hand or produced later will not be made until the cause of failure
has been ascertained, the correction incorporated, and it is determined by further
testing that the corrected component conforms to this specification. Where the
investigation of a test failure indicates that defects exist in components already
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