component shall be subjected to and shall
test at approximately 5 equal increments
shall be made without waiting for the
of the entire component to stabilize.
4.7.14 High temperature. - When specified in the detail specification, the
component shall be tested for operation at high temperatures. With the component
stabilized at the maximum fluid and ambient temperatures specified, the component
shall be subjected to and shall pass the tests specified in 4.7.2 while maintain-
ing the ambient and fluid temperatures.
4.7.15 Endurance. - When specified in the detail specification, the compo-
nent shall be tested for operational endurance under steady-state conditions.
The component shall be subjected to the operating cycle, the number of operating
cycles, schedule of cycles, cyclic rate, stroke, rate of flow, loads, altitudes,
impulse peaks, leakage, and temperature specified in the detail specification.
At the conclusion of the endurance test, the component shall be subjected to and
shall pass the tests specified in 4.7.2. The component shall be disassembled and
carefully inspected. Dimensions of all parts subject to wear and any evidence of
impending failure of any part shall be recorded in the production test report.
4.7.16 Mission-profile.- Unless otherwise specified in the detail specifi-
cation, the component shall be tested for operational endurance under transient
conditions. The mission-profile test shall consist of the endurance test
(4.7.15) combined with a minimum of two test temperature cycles (figure 1, or as
specified in the detail specification). Components that may exceed 450° F fluid
temperature under certain adverse conditions shall be tested to the predicted
temperature for the proportion of time expected at that temperature as specified
in the detail specification.
4.7.17 Environmental. - Environmental tests, when specified in the detail
specification, shall be conducted in accordance with appropriate sections of
Specification MIL-E-5272, as specified in the detail specification.
4.7.18 Burst pressure. - When specified in the detail specification, the
component. shall be pressure tested at burst pressure. The burst pressure speci-
fied in the detail specification shall be applied at room temperature. The rate-
of-pressure rise shall not exceed 25,000 psi per minute. A hand pump may be used
if desired. The pressure shall be held at least 2 minutes. The component shall
not rupture under this pressure. Components which require different test pres-
sures in different elements may have these pressures applied either separately or
Simultaneously. When the materials used in the components are subject to strength
deterioration owing to temperature or to time at temperature, the burst. pressure
to be used slall be increased to produce a higher stress by the ratio of such a
strength reduction. The burst pressure test may be run on a different sample than
that used for the endurance test (4.7.15).
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business