(c) Development program: An outline of the proposed development
testing of any unproven mechanisms, materials, and processes.
(d) Quality assurance program: An outline of the proposed prepro-
duction and production testing.
(e) Ground support: A list of any recommended publications, spares,
equipment, training, and technical service for maintenance,
overhaul and testing.
3.14.2 Data.- The contractor shall submit the following data. Dates of
submittal will be determined in subsequent negotiations.
(a) Progress reports: Periodic reports shoving the progress
of the development program.
(h) Final versions: Finalized versions of the data under
proposal requirements.
(c) Preproduction and production test reports: Formal reports
on preproduction and production tests.
(d) Engineering drawings: Drawings prepared as specified in
Specification MIL-D-70327.
3.14.3 Support.- The general areas of expected contractor support are
listed below. Requirements will be determined in subsequent negotiations.
(a) Publications: All publications necessary for support of
the component.
(b) Spares: Recommended storage period, overhaul, and spare
parts provisioning.
(c) Training: Any special training required of service personnel.
(d) Technical service: Technical personnel required to support
the component.
(e) Failure data: Record of failures in test and service.
3.14.4 Design Data drawing.- The design data drawing shall be furnished in
duplicate in preliminary form (detail part numbers not required) with bid propo-
sals . The finalized drawing shall be included in preproduction and production
test reports and separate copies shall also be furnished concurrent with those
reports. Each change shall be identified by a change letter in the same manner
as for production drawings. It is required that any proposed changes in design
be first incorporated on this drawing for evaluation by the air vehicle contract~r
prior to incorporation on production drawings. This drawing shall have a drawing
number and title and shall show the part number either in the title or adjacent to
the title block. At the option of the manufacturer, this drawing may be combined
with the production assembly drawing. Information contained on this drawing shall
include the following, as applicable:
(a) Installation (outline) dimension, including mounting provisions.
(b) Cross section(s) of unit showing all detail part and sub-
assemblies, sufficiently clear to show function of the unit and
complete enough for assembly. All flow passages and openings
in detail parts shall be shown. Each detail part shall be
identified by name and part number.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business