5.1 Preservation. packaging,. packing, and marking.- Preservation,
packaging, packing, and marking shall be as specified in the detail specification.
6.1 Intended use. - Aircraft hydraulic components covered by this specifi-
cation are intended for use in type III hydraulic systems as specified by the
applicable detail specification.
6.2 Ordering data.- Procurement documents should specify the following:
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification and of the
detail specification relating to the component furnished.
(b) Applicable levels of packaging and packing as specified
in the detail specification.
6.3 Def initions.-
6.3.1 Preproduction tests.- Preproduction tests are those tests performed
prior to initiation of production to serve as a basis for preliminary design
approval to proceed with production. Test specimens will approximate as nearly
as practicable the intended production units in design configuration, material,
processing, and production techniques.
6.3.2. Production tests.- Production tests are those tests performed on
production units to confirm full compliance with the requirements of the detail
specification. Test specimens will be taken at random form a production run, and
may include modifications to the design as found necessary by the preproduction
6.3.3 Acceptance tests.- Acceptance tests are those tests performed bn
production components to assure the continuance of the quality of that component.
The acceptance tests consist of individual tests and quality verification tests
as follows. Individual tests.- Individual tests are acceptance tests of each
production unit conducted prior to installation in the air vehicle. The tests
will be performed in accordance with the detail specification. Quality verification.- Quality verification tests are acceptance
tests on random production samples. The quality verification tests are more
extensive than the individual tests. The tests will consist of any or all of
the preproduction and production tests and will be selected by the air vehicle
contractor. The tests will be adjusted to reflect the reliability history of
the component. The frequency of the sampling will be at the discretion of the
procuring activity.
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